BOOK REVIEW - I Want To Thank You by Gina Hamadey

by Fran Hauser
Guest Editor

I Want to Thank You: How a Year of Gratitude Can Bring Joy and Meaning in a Disconnected World by Gina Hamadey.

Gina Hamadey decided to take a break from social media, which was leaving her feeling depleted and disconnected, and redirected that time to writing thank you notes. She wrote 365 thank you’s over 12 months. She wrote, not just to family members and friends, but also to local shopkeepers, her favorite authors, physical therapists and more. In doing this, she became a happier person and felt a deeper sense of connection. I love to write with a pen, but have to admit that my thank you’s are usually over text or e-mail. I’m excited to get back into handwriting and surprising a few people along the way with an unexpected thank you note. The book, along with its adorable illustrations, is uplifting and really the perfect book to be putting out into the world right now. I’m also thinking it would make a beautiful gift for my closest friends and family who have been there for me during this crazy year. ❤️

Fran Hauser is a bestselling author, startup investor and champion of women. For more of her book recommendations, follow @fransbookshelf on Instagram.


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